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Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 26th 2014 "Gentile Firstfruit Harvest" posted via internet at below link

**UPDATE January 27, 2014**
The Rapture foretold on the below posting by Steve Fletcher
definitely did NOT occur on January 26, 2014
and I believe his posting has been removed.
This is the main blogsite link:
Let me add that the Holy Bible is a 'Spiritual' book which in my opinion

must be taken spiritually and there remains many mysteries of how
the 'Spiritual' applies to our physical world.
"Stay-Tuned" and may God bless your endeavors.

This public posting is making the rounds on the internet which alleges:

January 26th, 2014 is the "Gentile FirstFruits Harvest"

by Steve Fletcher

See this link:

Grab your Holy Bible and do some research.

The below video is in rebuttal to the above information:
