Snapshot of our most popular daily edition "The SixTen Ministries P.M. News"

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Rapture Warning Messsage May 21, A.D. 2011

Newly created BLOG to send forth the WARNING MESSAGE as a 'watchman' that the Rapture of the 'ELECT' will occur on May 21, A.D. 2011 followed by 5 months of hell on Earth as foretold in Revelation. The culmination of TIME will occur October 21, A.D. 2011 when Jehovah God who created the Universe will totally & completely carry out ANNIHILATION of the Universe & ALL physical things which we humans have observed with our 5 senses.
Please do your due diligence and study these websites to ascertain TRUTH:   JudgmentDay & there are surely many more which are on the internet which will be included as located.

 You may also follow this ministry, which is NOT affiliated with ANY denomination, church, or local congregation, on TWITTER & YOUTUBE.

  There is ample evidence that the 'Great Tribulation' began May 21st, A.D. 1988 & we are living in those present times. The 7 year Tribulation being taught universally in churches & seminaries is a FALSE doctrine being part of mankind's Do-It-Yourself, Feel-Good religion.

May Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) bless you in these difficult & trying times of Great Tribulation as you do your due diligence in studying Eschatology & Parousia which both mean study of End-Times.

1 comment:

  1. King Jesus Christ is coming, and us Sealed Born Again (New Creatures) Christians will Rapture from the face of the Earth before the Tribulation.

