Snapshot of our most popular daily edition "The SixTen Ministries P.M. News"

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to the world-at-large ~ here are some definitions IF you wanna read?

Happy Thanksgiving Day 2011 tomorrow to everyone:

  Wikipedia has several pages with definitions & explanations of the holiday's origins, which vary from country to country.  <<  United States  << more generic << yes, even 'sports' has adopted the name.

✔ I've been dealing with some issues on Facebook where I administer a FB group of Believers.  With that comes responsibility & having blocked & ejected people in the past, I can attest that it is not a good feeling.  However, there are those in our world who insist that 'anyone' with a different point-of-view than themself is just plain 'crazy' which couldn't be farther from the truth.  America was founded on Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Religion, and not being forced to join any sect.  Do your historical research & you will soon learn that the King of England centuries ago had a requirement to join the Church of England.  When many didn't agree with that philosophy, they boarded ships as pilgrims and sought a 'promised land' which turned out to be the America we now hold dear.
  Now back to reading & publishing the news of 'satan' ramrodding this world :-( ► I apologize if some get bored with my posting news with a spiritual twist, but I, for one, do not believe Christian believers should stick their proverbial 'head in the sand' & blantantly ignore what is transpiring in the world all around them ★ Here's hoping & praying everyone has a GR8 day & I have some errands to run so will be away for a while.  <<  A.M. publication  << P.M. publication

 ✝ TGBTG ✝ =  "To God Be The Glory"


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