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Saturday, November 26, 2011

More INFO ref: FIRESTORM over yesterday's POTUS OBAMA BIRTHER question post?

Good day Saturday; hope & pray everyone endured/survived 'Black Friday' with all the craziness in the world~!  IMHO, it's obvious that 'satan' is in control of this world with all the acts people are committing and the over-hyped-up 'commercialization' of holidays, etc. ~ 1st Timothy 6:10 is soooo TRUE that the 'LOVE of $$money$$ is the root of all evil'  Yes it is~! Is it any wonder the masses are so upset with the GREED of so many?
  My blog received more 'hits' yesterday than ever over the post about the birther question still lingering in the hearts & thoughts of Americans who remain overly-suspicious of the origins of our sitting POTUS, namely Barrack Hussein Obama, or his birth name which is publicly displayed on the previous post & many others have also posted.  INFO can be found here on 'RationalWiki'
  A friend sent me a 'SNOPES' link about the birther question & 'SNOPES' is categorically saying "FALSE" so here is the link to that article (dated back in September 2009) to allow you to read why 'SNOPES' says FALSE ~
  I posted a comment on my Google+ account ref: my thoughts and I'm duplicating that post here for all to read: "✔ IS 'Snopes' absolutely, positively, 100% accurate always on their investigation of "Rumor Has It?" website which portrays to 'get to the bottom of internet rumors' ~ This is an example but the dates are April 2009 and at the bottom the article says last updated 17 September 2009~! Personally I believe there has been a lot more additional 'INFORMATION' forthcoming ref: #POTUS #OBAMA and his birth in wherever, #KENYA, #HAWAII, etc. ~ the #BIRTHERS on the internet are certainly NOT going to let this issue die~! [ IMHO ] ♥ " end quote
  As you can tell, I have excelled at the technique of 'copy & paste' and am so thankful to the computer programmers in the early days of technology, whomever invented the feature, should receive a lot of 'atta-boys' pats on the back.
  Thanks for watching/viewing and as Bro. Camping always said to his "Open Forum" callers ~ "Thanks for sharing" ~ The man has become an internet  'meme' [ see ]. No doubt thousands of websites, blogs, touched-up photos, photo-shopped photos, fake parody/satire accounts on Twitter/Facebook/etc. have portrayed the man to be evil.  Hard to believe that human nature has stooped so low as to not recognize the simple fact that we are all human, mere mortals & capable of making errors/mistakes/oversights/etc.  NO DOUBT Bro. Camping & his Family Radio empire would NOT have spent $millions$ of dollars sending forth the May 21st Rapture & October 21st annihilation message, had they NOT believed in their heart of hearts that they were 100% accurate of the TIMELINE of the Holy Bible.  Turns out Bro. Camping & Family Radio have made an egregious mistake in their final interpretation, but the world-at-large just hasn't accepted the human error synopsis.  
  I'm rambling, but isn't a blog intended to be a web-log of a persons' thoughts & beliefs they are willing to share with the world?
  Have a GR8 day, weekend, & Holiday Season 2011 resting assured that Jesus & His 2nd coming can't be far off with all the signs-of-the-times so in front of our noses & computer screens.



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